Monday, March 5, 2012

Important Aftercare after Dermal Fillers Guidelines to Evade Bruising

Getting dermal fillers will help in restoring your skin’s lost volume as well as in eradicating the appearance of wrinkles on your face, which are usually brought about by aging and some factors in life such as having an unhealthy lifestyle. If you wish to obtain the best possible result from this non-surgical skin procedure, be sure to adhere to the aftercare after dermal fillers guidelines given to you by your medical practitioner for they will help in stopping the occurrence of bruising after the treatment.

Fort you to avoid getting your newly treated skin bruised of swollen, take note of the below list of important before, during and aftercare after dermal fillers guidelines you should follow:

Before Treatment Care
  • A week before getting the procedure, don’t take medications such as NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin, etc.), St. John’s Wort, Vitamin E, Multivitamins, Fish Oils, Flaxseed Oils, Omega-3, Gingko, Ginseng, Garlic and Glucosamine.
  • When you suffer from recurrent cold sores, contact the skin clinic where you’ll be getting the dermal fillers so they can advise you on what medications to take.
  • Eat half of a pineapple the day prior to your treatment since this fruit contains bromelain which is known to help lessen skin bruising. Take note, the pineapple must be fresh; hence don’t consume those canned or frozen ones.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption 24 hours before getting the treatment for it causes blood thinning. 

Day of Treatment Care
  • Once again, eat one quarter of pineapple before you have your dermal fillers injection.
  • Consume the final quarter of the pineapple following your treatment.

After Treatment Care
  • 30 minutes after getting the injection, apply the arnica gel given to you as part of your aftercare after dermal fillers that will help reduce bruising. Continue the application of the gel for 2 days, putting it 5 times daily.
  • Right after the procedure, apply cold compress for 8 hours on the body part which received the treatment as this will lessen swelling.
  • Don’t touch (except when putting Arnica gel) the treated body part for at least 6 hours following your dermal fillers injections. After 6 hours, mildly wash the area with water and soap.
  • Avoid using certain drugs such as NSAID’s (Ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin, etc.), St. John’s Wort, Vitamin E (including multivitamins with Vitamin E), Fish Oils, Flaxseed Oils, Omega-3, Gingko, Ginseng, Garlic and Glucosamine for at least two days after getting the fillers.
  • Lastly, putting too much pressure on the treated area/s must be avoided for a week. 

Still, the best tip for making sure you don’t experiencing bruising after receiving dermal fillers injection is to acquire your treatment only from qualified medical practitioners and of course, knowing all of the essential aftercare after dermal fillers guidelines.